Emergency numbers for the fire brigade, rescue service, emergency doctor and police
Every second counts in the case of accidents involving injured persons, sudden heart attacks or similar emergencies. Emergency numbers are free from all telephone lines.
- Münster fire brigade and emergency doctors: ph. 112
The fire services will need the following information:
Who is calling? Where are they calling from?
Where did the incident happen (location, street, house number)?
What happened (fire, accident or similar)?
http://www.stadt-muenster.de/feuerwehr/notruf.html - Emergency number for the police: ph. 110
Polizeipräsidium Münster (Münster police headquarters)
ph. 02 51 / 27 5-0
poststelle.muenster(at)polizei.nrw.de - www.polizei.nrw.de/muenster/