Media in Münster
What's going on in Münster? Newspapers, radio, television and online media are all on hand to keep you up to date with life in the city. Free local newspapers are also delivered every Wednesday and Sunday.
- For an overview of all media in Münster and the surrounding area, published by the press office, go to:
Daily newspapers
"Westfälische Nachrichten" and "Münstersche Zeitung"
Aschendorff publishing
An der Hansalinie 1
ph. 02 51 / 69 0-0
Free local newspapers
"Hallo" (Wednesdays and Sundays)
Soester Straße 13
ph. 02 51 / 6 90 96 11
"Kaufen und Sparen" / Münsterische Sonntagszeitung (Wednesdays and Sundays)
Neubrückenstraße 8 - 11
ph. 02 51 / 6 90 88 94
For gigs and events:
ph. 02 51 /89 98 30
Sauerländer Weg 2ª
ph. 02 51 /98 72 30
Radio and TV
WDR Studio Münster (radio and TV)
Mondstraße 144
ph. 02 51 / 3 11 3-0
Antenne Münster
Nevinghoff 14
ph. 02 51 / 2 89 54-0