Solidarity partnership
Münster and Winnyzja officially seal partnership
The solidarity partnership between the City of Münster and the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia was officially sealed on March 9, 2023: First Mayor Markus Lewe and Halyna Yakubovych, Deputy Mayor of Vinnytsia, signed the corresponding document in the Peace Hall of the City Hall. The reception in the Peace Hall was part of an official four-day visit of two delegations from Vinnytsia as well as from Münster's Polish twin city Lublin. Jarosław Pakuła, Chairman of the Lublin City Council, also signed a declaration in the Peace Hall pledging support to Vinnytsia together with Münster.
Official press release
Information evening "Solidarity partnership with Vinnytsia"
The City of Münster and the association Ukrainian Language and Culture in Münster e.V. invited to a public information evening about Münster's new solidarity partner city Vinnytsia on March 9 at 6 p.m. in the festival hall of the city hall (Prinzipalmarkt 9). The event was aimed at anyone interested in learning more about the Ukrainian city. The information evening was part of an official visit of a delegation from Vinnytsia and a delegation from Münster's Polish twin city Lublin. During the evening, the guests from Vinnytsia presented their city, reported on their current situation and answered questions from the participants. The photo performance "How are you, Winnyzja?" by artist Thomas Nufer was presented during the event.
Press release for the information evening

Donations for Vinnytsia
The solidarity partnership with the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, which was decided by the Council in mid-December, has not yet been officially certified, but aid activities are still actively taking place. A bank account especially for donations has been set up. Together with the other aid organisations taking part in the alliance “Together for Münster” (DRK, Malteser, Johanniter), the ASB is requesting monetary donations for Vinnytsia. The city of Münster supports the campaign. Official press release
Partnership with Vinnytsia
Münster and the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia are establishing a solidarity partnership together. At their conference on the 14th of December 2022, the Council instructed the administration to conclude a corresponding treaty with Vinnytsia. The partnership is to be limited until the fifth year after the official end of the war but is then open for extension. Münster's Polish twin city, Lublin, welcomes and supports the new partnership. The decision was made after a live video link up with Serihy Morhunov, Mayor of the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, and Krzysztof Stanowski, director of the international office in Lublin. Official press release
First delivery of aid to Vinnytsia in Ukraine is on its way
The city of Münster is sending the first aid delivery to Vinnytsia. With the city in Western Ukraine, a solidarity partnership has been agreed on, which will soon be officially concluded. Mobile kitchens, durable food supplies, and tableware are to help the people in Vinnytsia. The goods with a total value of 100,000 Euros will first be taken to Münster’s Polish twin city Lublin. From there, the city of Lublin will transport the goods to Ukraine. The city received the supplies from a special fund of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Münster agrees on solidarity partnership
At its conference on the 7th of September 2022, the City Council of Münster has decided that Müsnter would join a solidarity partnership with a Ukrainian city. Based on the recommendation of the joint Polish twin city of Lublin, First Mayor Markus Lewe and the Mayor of the Ukrainian city of Vinnytsia, Serhij Morhunow, were first in contact for exchange via video. Mayor Serhij Morhunow was grateful for Münster's expression of solidarity. His city was very interested in a partnership with Münster.
Official press release