Science. Education. Münster
The city of Münster is defined by three aspects, the beautiful (old) city centre, the many bikes and the presence of around 65.000 students. A less obvious characteristic that Münster lives and breathes Science and education. Currently, 11 Universities and a large number of research institutes are located in and around Münster. The city is the campus, because the buildings of the various universities are scattered all over Münster.
Münster is also a very international city, thanks to its many universities and a number of prestigious laboratories that attract international scientists to study here.
Science and education are deeply rooted in Münster's DNA, as evidenced by the wide range of universities that are located here and the wide range of research topics that are explored by a large number of research units and institutes.
At the institute level, a wide variety of topics is studied. The Münster University of Applied Sciences (FH Münster) is home to a strong ecotrophology research department and skilled design faculty. The University of Münster has two clusters of excellence, namely "Religion and Politics” and “Mathematics” and many more accomplished research groups and collaborative research centers in biology, medicine, physics, chemistry and archeology.
Furthermore, six non-university institutes are present in Münster. For example, the Max Planck institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Helmholtz Institute Münster “Ionics in Energy Storage”, Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production (FFB), Leibniz institute for Atherosclerosis Research are present in our city. In addition, the University Clinics Münster (UKM) is a very important institution in the city of Münster.
The science landscape in Münster is concentrated in a collaborative initiative called the Alliance for Science. Here, University of Münster, University for Applied Sciences (FH) and the City Administration are closely working together to define the science profile of Münster. Main focal points in this collaborative body are; Peace of Westphalia “Dialogues for Peace – 1648, Medicine: Public Health, Sustainable City Development and Education.
The technology court, a designated area in the city dedicated to the transfer of knowledge in to the local economy. Here, science is directly linked to the local businesses that transfer the knowledge into real-world impact.
The Science Office, part of Münster Marketing, brings all of these aspects together.
For more information and or questions, please contact:

Dr. Matthias Schmidt
Dr. Matthias Schmidt
Phone + 49 (0)2 51.4 92-27 55
Fax + 49 (0)2 51.4 92-79 54

Dr. Erik Tolen
Dr. Erik Tolen
Phone + 49 (0)2 51.4 92-27 58
Fax + 49 (0)2 51.4 92-79 54