Educational programs

Critical understanding of the past and present
The work at a historic place goes hand in hand with a commitment to a democratic society. This is done through different formats which keep the past open to discussion and serve as a forum for living democracy. Our goal is to inform about the injustices committed by the Nazis, the role the police played in the execution of the regimes racial politics as well as "denacification" and indemnification practices in the aftermath of the War.
Our educational approach aims to encourage critical understanding of the past and present topics. It includes projects against right-wing extremism and racism, guided tours, student workshops on democracy as well as workshops for policemen, trips to several memorial places, lendable "historical suitcases" as well as didactic material on several topics.
Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you have any questions.

Guided Tours
Our guided tours provide an initial orientation to the permanent exhibition "History - Violence - Conscience". They are led by a team of freelance guides and are designed to be discursive. Guided tours last 60 minutes and can also take place outside the opening hours of the permanent exhibition.
Number of participants: Up to 15 pupils. We recommend dividing larger school classes into two groups, parallel tours possible.
Fee: €60 per group (englisch and other foreign languages).
If a cancellation is made less than two weeks before the date of the event, a cancellation fee of €50 will be charged. This fee does not apply to postponements.