Old Town
Mellow background music for your stroll around the town
The appropriate background music for a visit to Münster is contributed by the festive chiming of the bells. When strolling around the old town, the little “sisters” carillons also set highlights.
Six carillons are distributed throughout the city centre, attracting the attention of passers-by all day long. Be it with revolving figurines, be it the mere chimes - young and old are intrigued by the carillons in Münster.
- Carillon in the Landeshaus, 8 a.m., 1/6/8 p.m. daily, can be heard well from the promenade/corner Mauritzstrasse.
- Carillon in the Residence, 8/12 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily, can be heard well from the palace grounds.
- Carillon in the Townhouse tower, 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m. daily, can be heard well in the town-hall yard and the southern portion of the Prinzipalmarkt. Peculiarity: occasional live concerts.
- Carillon at the Nonhoff house, 12 a.m. and 4/5/6 p.m. daily, can be heard and seen well at Rothenburg 13 over the road. Peculiarity: world time clock and revolving figurines.
- Carillon in St. Paul’s Cathedral, Mondays to Saturdays at 12 o' clock, at high and holidays at 12.30 a.m., can be heard and seen well from the chapel ambulatory of the cathedral. Peculiarity: the revolving of the Magi on the astronomical clock.