Advice and mediation
Offers for migrants
Different people with different goals and in different situations in their lives need different forms of support. The Jobcenter Münster therefore provides special offers to meet the needs of people with a migrant background.
We are committed to increasing your chances of job placement and offer you advice and support on the following topics:
- Acquisition or improvement of your linguistic competencies
- Acknowledgement of qualifications which you have already acquired
- Organisation for the specialist consultancy service for job-seekers with a migration background
- Contacts to networks for people with a migration background
- Support for migrants from EU countries
For all these offers, please feel free to contact your Jobcoach at the Jobcenter Münster. They will be happy to help you find the right offer for you.
Language courses, offers of further training
You would like to improve your knowledge of German and thus also the possibility of finding a job? There are various offers which you can make use of and which we would like to introduce to you briefly here:
Integration courses are supported by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The general integration course comprises a language course to learn the vocabulary for everyday life (600 lessons) and an orientation course with 60 lessons, which gives information about life in Germany, culture, the legal order and the recent history of the country. The Federal Office provides more detailed
- German Language Academy
- GEBA mbH
- Werkstatt für Bildung und Kultur (Workshop for Education and Culture)
- Dolmetscherinstitut Münster
- WiPDaF (Scientific International Partnerships for German as a foreign language at the Language Centre of Münster University)
An overview of integration courses can be found on:
- BAMF-Navi - Search function for integration courses
But perhaps a further-reaching language course with vocational orientation is sensible for you. You will find more detailed information about this in your mother tongue on the pages of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The courses with vocation-related linguistic support are offered by the BIMS (Bildungsinstitut Münster e. V.)
In addition, there are specific offers of further training for migrants at the Münster Jobcenter. Inquisitive? Then contact your job coach.
Recognition of professional qualifications acquired abroad
Did you acquire your professional qualification abroad and want to use your qualifications on the German labour market?
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees will give you advice on this. The Federal Office will advise you over the phone in either English or German. Furthermore, you will be given the name of the office that is responsible for the recognition of your professional qualification. Details on the procedure, costs, duration and required documents can be found in various languages on the Federal Office’s website:
Information from the Federal Institute for Vocational Training -
Network "Integration through qualification" -
Further training consultancy North Rhine-Westphalia – search function for counselling centres -
Bezirksregierung Köln
Anerkennung von ausländischen Schulzeugnissen -
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Zeugnisanerkennung (deutsche Hochschulreife)
Further information on the topic of recognition of school degrees and professional qualifications:
recognition of professional qualifications -
Further training consultancy North Rhine-Westphalia – recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad
Specialist consultancy service for people with a migration background
Diakonie, German Red Cross, Arbeiterwohlfahrt and Caritas offer consultancy, accompaniment and support for people with a migration background in various parts of Münster. One focal point of the offer is the support of job-seekers with the following assistance:
- Support and consultancy in the production of application documents and in preparation for job interviews
- Consultancy about qualification, further training and language courses
- Consultancy and support in specific situations (e.g. debts, illness)
- Support in communication with agencies and authorities
- Help when filling in forms and when making applications
- Information about rights and duties during receipt of payments
- Consultancy and support when applying for acknowledgement of educational and vocational qualification acquired abroad
- Support in the organisation of child care
Consultancy is offered in the languages Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish, English and French:
Further contact and counselling centres concerning integration (e.g. migration advice, youth migration services, etc.) can be found in the information systems of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees:
Search function for integration courses
The MAMBA (Münsters Aktionsprogramm für MigrantInnen und Bleibeberechtigte zur Arbeitsmarktintegration - Münster Action Programme for Migrates and Persons Entitled to Stay in Germany for Labour Market Integration) II project is Münster's contribution to the national programme for support of persons entitled to stay in Germany and refugees with access to the labour market. The objective is give refugees in Münster support and accompaniment in their professional qualification and in their job search and securing. The Jobcenter is involved in the project as an operative partner and advises interested parties and also participants.
- Information on the project:
Offers of consultancy for people with a migration background
You need support, not only when looking for a job, but also in other situations? Münster provides a varied offer of consultancy institutions which the Münster Jobcenter also cooperates with. We would like to introduce some of the institutions:
Websites for migrants in Münster
Municipal coordination office for migration and intercultural affairs - Migrationsberatung für erwachsene Zuwanderer (MBE)
Office for aliens' affairs of the City of Münster - Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD)
Information from the Social Welfare Office -
Informationen des Amtes für Schule und Weiterbildung -
Suchfunktion für Integrationskurse